[Greenpeace] The New Facebook TV Ad

GREENPEACE International Climate Campaign  

Dear friends,

Many thanks to everyone who uploaded their profile photo to the Facebook Unfriend Coal page – your pictures now feature in our new TV ad – about to screen on channels in Facebook's home town! Just as Facebook has revolutionized the way the world communicates, so it can revolutionize the IT sector's reliance on dirty and unsafe energy sources like coal.

Watch the video, and share it with your friends!

Click to watch the video:

Click to watch the video

Facebook's reputation for innovation means that wherever it goes, other IT companies will follow. And with Facebook's massive new data centre in Prineville, Oregon, due to be switched on soon, there's never been a better time for Facebook to go green.

Please share the video with your friends!

We've challenged Facebook to unfriend coal by Earth Day, April 22nd. With less than 25 days to go, will Facebook step up? To build the buzz and keep the pressure on, we would like your help to get as many people as possible to watch and share this video.

Happy viewing,

The Cool IT team
Greenpeace International

P.S. Got a website or blog? You could help by linking to the Facebook TV Ad video (with the link text just as I have done in this sentence). Please use "Facebook TV Ad" as the link text, in a sentence about Facebook's coal problem. If enough websites participate, our video will soon be the first thing that people find when searching the web for, well, a Facebook TV ad.